Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Baby Food: Avocados

Avocado is probably one of the easiest baby foods to make, and it's full good vitamins and minerals for a growing baby! I couldn't really tell you what the cost of pre-made avocado baby food is (I haven't seen it, do they make it?), but I figured with avocados on sale at $1 each last week at Rainbow, it's probably cheaper than those little jars. I got a little over 12 ounces from the two avocados I used, those jars are typically 2.5 ounces, so cost me about 40 cents per little store-bought jar.
How to cut an avocado

*I recommend talking with your child's doctor before starting any solids. You can also refer to Wholesome Baby Food for recommendations*
Cut the avocado in half around the "pit."

Pop the "pit" out of the half that it stuck in.

Slice the avocado with an avocado slicer or just use a knife to slice the "meat" without going through the skin, then scoop it out with a spoon.

Now you can either mash it with a fork, use a baby food maker, or an immersion blender.

I used my immersion blender, because I love it (and I don't want an extra gadget laying around where I can easily use something I already have instead)
Once I had the avocado mashed, I added 1/4 cup of water for each avocado I was using (I used 2, so I used 1/2 cup). You can also use breast milk or formula instead. Depending on what you think your baby can handle eating, you may want to use more or less water/ breast milk/ formula.

Once I had it to the consistency I wanted, I put in into ice cube trays (I got them from Savers for about 50 cents each) and stuck it in the freezer.
The next day, I labeled a freezer Ziploc bag with "avocado" and the date, then popped them out of the trays and into the bag. 

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