Thursday, July 28, 2011

My Rainbow Buys 7/27/11

First Transaction
Free: Chicken, toothpaste
Shelf cost: $23.91 (I thought it was over $25... but my cashier doubled my coupons anyway.)
Spent: $11.48
Got: $6 gift card (should have added another $2!)
Savings Rate: 52.0%

Second Transaction
Shelf cost: $26.13 
Spent: $1.21
Used: $6 gift card 
Savings Rate: 95.4%
Third Transaction (I'm not so proud of this one, but I needed the sponges and this preggo wanted yogurt!)
Shelf Cost: $26.84
Spent: $18.01
Savings Rate: 32.9%

Fourth Transaction
Shelf cost: $28.06
Spent: $7.86
This was a deal where if you bought 10 select items you got $5 off. There were coupons for the Era, plus I had two $1.50 off detergent store coupons, making it $0.49, which is an amazing price for detergent!
Savings Rate: 72.0%

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